Exhibition Fedcup Hradec nad Moravici Finale (CZ) 25.05.2024

Daybreakers You Got Me Saying Wow

Catalog No: 1
Rating: Platz1
Class: Finale
Judge: Nadezda Stralkova (CZ)

Bowaters Paramount Here I Am at Daybreakers

Catalog No: 2
Rating: Platz2
Class: Finale
Judge: Nadezda Stralkova (CZ)

Ursinus Velutus King of The Ring

Catalog No: 3
Rating: Platz3
Class: Finale
Judge: Nadezda Stralkova (CZ)

L´Anse aux Green Meadows Campagnola

Catalog No: 4
Rating: Platz4
Class: Finale
Judge: Nadezda Stralkova (CZ)